Our Menu

Our menu is always rotating- stop by and try for yourself! Follow us on Instagram to find out where we will be!

The Custodian

Our Chickpea Sloppy Joes are tangy and delicious. Embrace the messy goodness! Comes with a side of Fresh fruit and plantain chips.

The Principal

This meal is boss. Our robust Bean Burger is served with plantain chips and fresh fruit. The Principal commands your tastebuds.

The Music Teacher

Chocolate Bean Molé and Rice with Tostada/Tortilla, Corn and Mango Salsa with a dollop of dynamic Guacamole. This flavorful menu will leave you making music.

La Profesora

Take a trip to the southwest with our SW Cheese-less Pizza. Corn, onion, bell peppers, and tomato on a carrot juice dough. Enjoy it with a Mexican Side Salad. ¡Vamos!

The Counselor

Talk it out over a steaming Soup of the day. Comforting and calming this meal delivers guidance and purpose. Comes with Cornbread and a colorful garnish of Avocado and Pomegranate.

The Bus Driver

Avocado Toast with diced Tomato and a Balsamic drizzle is the perfect vehicle to deliver you. Gets dropped off with a flashy side of Pomegranate, Tangerine, and Bulgur Salad.

Lunch Lady Land

Pineapple Stir-fry with an Asian side Salad. Wakes up your mouth with a jolt of flavors. You will be back in line for seconds.

The School Resource Officer

You’ll be up in arms with our Tabouleh, Tzatziki and one golden Fatayer (Similar to a Spinach Empanada). Bring peace and order to your hectic day with this Feast from the Middle East.

The Math Whiz

We calculate that you will love our Ginger Lentil Curry over Rice. The sum is positive when we add our Cilantro Papaya and Cherry Tomato Salad.

The Coach

Get in the game with our folate rich Beet and Arugula Pasta Salad. Pumps iron and fights inflammation. Score big with an Orange and Kiwi Side Salad. This combo boasts bright citrus flavors teamed with antioxidant rich goodness. Go team, Go!

The School Nurse

Hellllloooo Nurse! Our scrumptious Chick Pea “Chicken” Salad wrap with organic red grapes, celery and Almond slivers will cure what’s ailing you. Enjoy the beta carotene powerhouse, mandolin cut Sweet potatoes on the side.

The Substitute

Our Spinach Basil Pesto Toast with Tomato commands the taste buds. Served with our Pomegranate, Tangerine, and Quinoa Salad.